A secret tool for weight-loss you’ve probably never heard of.

The top two areas to focus on when we think about weight-loss is usually ‘diet’ and ‘exercise’, however there’s so many other facets of our lifestyle that we can shift that 1% and see long-term, sustainable results with.

So, in saying that, did you know essential oils can be used to support weight loss?

Working with female clients who want to be stronger, leaner and healthier (+feel and look better for longer…), I will always bring the incremental facets into the mix too. Because ‘white-knuckling’ diet and exercise shifts for weight loss without reverence for the tapestry of our health is rarely sustainable.

Here are 6 ways essential oils can support your weight loss:

1. Better sleep: Diffusing oils or applying oils like Balance, lavender, Easy Air, or frankincense to the body at bedtime can help relax the nervous system, promotes better sleep, stress reduction and rest. Quality sleep s KEY to sustainable weight loss as it helps to balance the cortisol (stress) hormones that take the body into ‘fight/flight/freeze’ state and hold extra weight.

2. Therapeutic support (pattern interrupt): It’s no lie that to lose weight, you do need to extend more energy than you consume. Women tend to snack and over consume in emotional states. Boredom, anxiety, (pain such as abandonment or fear or grief), as a buffer to FEELING and truly processing an emotion (and this can also include food being used as a tool to ‘not start’ a job/work/task you know you should be undertaking/that makes you feel uncomfortable). Inhaling Balance oil, lavender, lemon, frankincense, Easy Air, or Peppermint can be a conscious ‘pattern interrupt’ that gives you emotional space, grounds you, anchors you and connects you to yourself. A moment o reflection to ask ‘am I REALLY hungry (rarely is this the case 😉), or am I snacking to buffer an emotion I need to feel and take action on? (Btw this awareness is where HEALING comes in…).

3. Detoxifying effects: Lemon Oil: Known for its cleansing properties, lemon oil is believed to support detoxification by promoting lymphatic drainage and aiding liver function. Peppermint Oil: Peppermint oil is often used to support digestion and may help detoxify the body by promoting healthy bowel movements and reducing bloating. Lavender Oil: Lavender oil is known for its calming properties and may support detoxification by reducing stress, which can impact overall health. ZenGest oil blend is thought to support detoxification by stimulating circulation, promoting sweating, and aiding digestionYou can apply all of these to the stomach in a clockwise movement using a carrier oil.

When the body is able to more freely detox, and the organs of detox are supported, we reduce inflammation that can cause us to retain weight and that can increase cellulite.

4. Improved Digestion: Proper digestion is crucial for weight management. Essential oils such as ZenGest, and peppermint can aid digestion, reduce bloating, and alleviate gastrointestinal discomfort, promoting a healthy digestive system. Instead of snacking after dinner, I make a peppermint tea with a dip of ZenGest in it as my ‘close of the night’. To support my digestion and as a peaceful routine for the evening, allowing my body space to digest dinner so I sleep better (see above for the benefits of this… OH how it is all entwined… 😉)

5. Increased Energy: Some energising essential oils like peppermint, citrus oils (such as lemon, orange, or grapefruit), and rosemary can help boost energy levels and improve motivation for physical activity, which is essential for weight management. I ALWAYS do a swipe of peppermint oil or Easy Air oil on my chest and under my nose before a workout. It aids in clear breathing, energises me even on low-energy days, and supports greater blood oxygen levels, increasing performance.

All of the essential oils I have shared information on here come in my personal #1 most recommended Starter Bundle (and our #1 best-selling starter bundle), the Home Essentials Starter Bundle (or the baby version, The Family Essentials Starter Bundle). They also include oils that can be used to support all body systems (respiratory, immune, digestive, muscular skeletal, integumentary (skin, hair, nails), cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine etc.

The Home or Family Essentials Starter Bundles come with:

You can shop either of these, the Home Essentials Starter Bundle (15ml bottles) or the Family Essentials Starter Bundle (5ml bottles) via the link below. Please add a discount diffuser to your first order so you can diffuse at home (in your bedroom or in the kitchen).


I will support you with any questions and place you in a customer group (at your choice), when you purchase. This way you will know how to use these oils in many different ways in your home, and for your health.

The secret is OUT!

I love supporting you and teaching about health!

Have a magnificent day. 🌸


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